But I guess I should introduce myself. I go by Cicadetta Stillwater. Cicadetta because I like cicadas, Stillwater because it sounded right. The first name is pronounced "sih-kuh-deh-tuh," but I have also answered to "see-kuh-deh-tuh," "chee-kuh-deh-tuh," and, well, people get creative. Nicknames have included Cica, Cici, Detta, and Cicada. It's up to you, honestly, just don't call me late for dinner.
I got in the habit of wearing wings early on, and consider myself fae. Or, well, human with wings. It really depends on the setting. The wings went with the name. (It made sense at the time.) I also, oftentimes, don fins and a tail, and frankly being mer is one of my favorite aspects of SL. But by land or by sea, I am me.
Currently I started on the Peace on Earth gridwide hunt, which is long, and I'm not very far into it. Maybe I'll finish, maybe not! But it's interesting, the places you go, just the same. The following picture is me wearing a hunt gift from Inga Wind Clothing, which really appeals to my inner fae, and taking a hunting break at Houses for You. The credits are below, and at my Flickr album.
Skin: "Stigma - Rory - Brave Bones" by Imabee (group gift)
Wings: "Insect Wings, Pastel" by Seven's Selections
Hair: "Liva - Lime" by Amacci
Earrings by JC Mell
Tattoo: "*Ink Stain* Spring Vine Tattoo" by Gabbi Garfield
Eyes: "Green Eyes" by Damen Gorilla
Well, I have to get back to RL, now. Later on I'll have to devote some time to my favorite sims. If, you know, I remember.
Ciao for now!
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